Friday, 24 August 2012

You Said A Chocolate Shake Can Curb My Sugar Cravings?

If someone told you that there is a healthy chocolate shake that could curb your sugar cravings, would you be jumping for joy? That you no longer have to fight those cravings every time you walk through a grocery store or through the mall.Well, there is a whey to make that happen!

And that was not a misspelled word either. The trick to getting your chocolate shake is: whey protein. There are a host of different products out in the market place, so finding a whey protein product will not be a problem. What I caution you on: READ the LABELS! All whey protein products are not created equal. You want to watch for the sugar content in each serving, because that is critical for those of us who are sugar sensitive.

GNC puts out a Pro Performance Elite Series Mega Whey product that my husband and I enjoy as breakfast, a refreshing lunch substitute, or even as dinner on a hot, muggy summer evening when you really are not hungry...but need "something". This particular product has 40 grams of high-quality whey protein, 5 grams of free-form glutamine and 3 grams of BCAA. What does that mean for you?

Whey is a good source of amino acids, including glutamine. Whey also supplies high bioavailabilaity when compared to other protein sources. It also supplies branched chain amino acids ( BCAA) , essential amino acids that are part of muscle protein and help reduce the amount of protein breakdown during exercise. Glutamine serves as fuel for the immune system.

Body builders and pro athletes have been using whey protein to keep their bodies and immune systems strong, healthy and to sustain endurance. While most of us are not interested in becoming body builder or pro athletes, I certainly want all the help I can get in curbing my sugar cravings and keep my immune system strong, and all that extra protein sustains my hunger for a longer period of time. That is what I am after. How about you?

For 3 rounded scoops, you get 40 grams of protein, 220 calories and only 3 grams of sugar! That is a great profile. If I want, I can add 12 oz. of 1% milk and then add 140 calories and call it a meal replacement. I don't know of any other food I can get 40 grams of protein for 220 calories. If you are a vegan or vegetarian, this would be a great way for you to get more protein into our body and curb your sugar cravings all at the same time. Another alternative: add ice and crush it and you have a chocolate frozen slushy or freeze it as a frozen yogurt. You can definitely get creative with it. Add fresh strawberries, fresh blueberries, a banana, pineapple, oranges, or anything else you want to experiment with. The possibilities are endless. Give it a try. You just might like it. And just think: every time you have a shake, you are healthier because then you eat one less candy bar or ice cream cone!

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

How to Handle Sugar Cravings

Sugar cravings are the biggest challenge most of us have to face when choosing a healthy nourishing diet. Even after learning about the negative health impacts of eating sugar, the thought of reducing or eliminating your sugar consumption can seem like an outrageous and impossible feat.

Phasing sugar out of your diet is possible when you use lots of nourishing support and a wide array of natural sugar alternatives. Once the sugar is gone and the withdrawal symptoms pass, your body will find a new balance and health. Without the sugar your immune system will be stronger, your energy and moods more stable and your cravings will fade away. You won’t miss the sugar or the bothersome symptoms it was creating.

Sugar Addiction

Sugar is physically addictive. Studies at Princeton University find that sugar consumption leads to all of the identifying symptoms of addiction in rats; increased intake, withdrawal, cravings and relapse. And many experts believe that breaking the sugar addiction is more challenging than getting off of nicotine or even heroine.

Of course, nicotine and heroine aren’t ingredients in almost every food on the super market shelves. In addition to being the main feature in candies and desserts, sugar is also included in products from crackers and cereal to bread, condiments and soups. Unless you have made a very conscious and diligent effort to avoid sugar, you have probably eaten it every day of your life. And with every serving, your addiction has been triggered.

“Refined sugar passes quickly into the bloodstream in large amounts, giving the stomach and pancreas a shock. An acid condition forms which consumes the body’s minerals quickly. Thus calcium is lost from the system, causing bone problems. The digestive system is weakened and food cannot be digested or assimilated properly. This leads to a blood-sugar imbalance and to further craving for sugar”
Paul Pitchford, Healing with Whole Foods

Sunday, 19 August 2012

Beginners Guide to Atkins and Sugar Cravings

Sugar is wherever you look and it might pop up in some surprising spots. Did you know that a lot of entire grain breads have with just one form of sugar in them? We've a national sweet tooth epidemic. Even if you do not consume a great deal of sugary treats you may feel intense sugar addictions inside first few weeks from the Atkins diet plan. So numerous "healthy" carb food have hidden sugars in them, your body might be experiencing withdrawal.

The issue with sugar is that your blood sugar is tied into your energy states and your overall health. When your blood sugar is too small, you will experience intense hunger pangs. Great blood sugar is a consequence of consuming high-sugar foods. Once you eat concentrated sugar, your blood sugar will raise to high levels. Your pancreas thinks there is one thing wrong and then it secretes insulin to lower the blood sugar. As this happens additional, you can create pre-diabetic conditions within your body as your pancreas becomes tired and finally are not able to secrete insulin.

Fortunately, acquiring started around the Atkins diet program can place a stop to this cycle. Yet, this does not mean that sugar hunger pangs vanish automatically. Sugar products are everywhere and temptation is occasionally hard to fight.

The best way to method sugar urges is with planning. If you conserve a balance of protein, weight and fiber in your daily eating habits you'll reduce blood sugar drops that lead to sugar cravings. Also, do not go long in-between main meals without eating. Snacks are an important element of retaining your blood sugar stable. Have some handy snacks like cheese, nuts, seeds and boiled eggs on hand with you so you are able to rapidly stabilize your blood sugar without looking at sweet treats.

Sugar addictions can likewise be a signal of a nutritional deficiency. When you are small on magnesium, you are going to hunger chocolate and other sweets. Zinc and chromium can likewise ward off sugar cravings. If you aren't taking an excellent multivitamin supplement with these minerals, commence immediately. If you are and you're still experiencing addictions, look at trying more supplements of these nutritious components.

One more tactic should be to brush your teeth. Many Atkins dieters see that cleaning their teeth or utilizing Listerine breath strips can support with addictions. Each methods will numb your mouth and prevent you from wishing to take. Drinking two large glasses of water can also enable get rid of addictions. In case your stomach is complete, then you may be not as likely to reach for any sugary treat.

Occasionally hidden, out of thoughts is the better strategy. In the event you end up overcome with hunger pangs while you are in your home, get outside and bring a walk. The distraction can have you forgetting your sugar craving in no time. Calling a pal for support or logging into an Atkins support forum can also go quite some distance toward preventing you from succumbing to sugar hunger pangs.

Having a low version of your favorite deal with is one other good thought. You happen to be less likely to feel deprived in case you can have a satisfying low carb deal with. You will discover a broad variety of low-carb solutions accessible in the marketplace that can surpass your sweet tooth. Low carbohydrate yogurt, chocolate, ice cream and candy can all aid you stick to the Atkins program and nevertheless get anything sweet to take.

Sugar hunger pangs are a reality of following the Atkins plan, but the prior tips will assist you overcome them and keep invested in your weight loss work.

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

How to Kick Your Sugar Cravings to Lose Weight

Research shows we typically eat more than 500 sugar calories a day, which can lead to a slew of health woes. But making a few lifestyle changes can stop the the sugar monster in its tracks! Follow these steps to weight loss:

1-Try to eat less meat. Surprising but true: Too much protein overloads your liver and stimulates excess insulin production, which can cause a spike and crash in your blood sugar levels that makes you want more sweets! The simple solution is to cut back to no more than four ounces of meat daily.

2-Have THIS before dessert: FIBER! Completely depriving yourself of the sweets you love will only make you more likely to binge on them in the future. So, have that fudge cake for dessert - just make sure to eat a fiber rich meal beforehand; one that includes, say, a slice of whole grain bread and a cup or more of fruit and vegetables. Fiber slows the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream, so you can cheat a little on dessert without worrying that it will trigger spikes in blood sugar and cravings for more.

3-Indulge in a massage. There is a scientific reason why eating sweets helps fatigue disappear: It raises levels of the energy-boosting brain chemical dopamine. But there is a much healthier way to achieve the same results- get someone to give you a back rub. Studies show regular massages can increase dopamine levels by 31%! Giving yourself a hand or foot rub, or cuddling with a pet, works too.

4- Check food labels to be sure that barbeque sauce, salad dressing, hot dogs or other meats, cereal and juice drinks aren't loaded with sugar. Look for corn syrup and ingredients with "ose" at the end. Glucose, fructose, dextrose, lactose, and maltose all spell "sugar".

5- B12 gives you a great energy boost. While this may not take off the pounds in itself, it can get you up and moving. Many people don’t exercise because they’re just too tired at the end of a long day. With this extra energy, you can go to the gym or even just take a walk around the block. Plus, if you find your energy level dragging between shots, you can get more B12 in your diet to keep yourself going. - Stop Sugar Cravings

Friday, 10 August 2012

How To Beat Sugar Cravings

Sugar, or sucrose, is easy to digest being a refined carbohydrate. Sucrose has loads of calories and is mainly found mixed with fats to produce yummy desserts. And here is where the problem lies. Sugar is the ingredient that makes food taste great. It can easily become the basis for our cravings and when hooked, it can interrupt attempts at healthy eating. Here is how to overcome sugar cravings.

Begin by increasing your protein intake. For most people, the bodies need for protein can suggest to the brain a need for sweets instead. To see if the sugar craving goes away, try eating proteins like eggs or steak.

Removing temptations are very important if you wish to break the habit. This would usually include a careful clean out of the fridge and any food cupboards. Get rid of any biscuits, cakes or ice cream. When shopping in the future, avoid buying anymore of the same sweet foods.

Breaking the sweet cravings could include something like going for a walk after a meal instead of opting for dessert. In a lot of cases, the cravings vanish after around ten minutes. Exercise is always good for your body and there is little chance there will be temptations available on your walk.

Don't forget to brush your teeth after each meal and use an antiseptic mouthwash too. The taste of these products combined can make you want treats less as they are not nice mixed with sweets.

Stopping the habit cold turkey has known to work best for some people. But it can take up to seven days of eating foods other than sugars and fruits. If you must consume a sweet, choose a fruit. The sugar from fruit is digested differently than regular sugar that is found in most other processed foods. The fruits fiber slows down the bodies absorption which helps avoid a sugar rush.

How To Beat Sugar Cravings

For a sweet treat now and then, make sure you choose quality. A smaller chocolate bar of the dark variety can satisfy a sweet craving just as well as a larger milk chocolate bar. Overall, you will be eating less in calories.

Go for lean protein or whole grain unsweetened cereals and don't forget using artificial sweeteners. It is known for some that these can cause the body to crave the real thing. For example, diet fizzy drinks may cause you to think of having dessert after a meal.

There is no doubt that getting over a sugar addiction can be hard. The above tips can help you towards your goal of overcoming sugar cravings.

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

You Can Overcome Sugar Cravings And Addictions!

A sweet tooth makes weight loss even more difficult that it already is. A sugar addiction means that a person is physically dependent upon sugar. When a sugar dependency develops, your body begins building a tolerance and beating the addiction becomes more difficult. It's sometimes difficult to differentiate between a sweet treat from time to time and an addiction to sugar. Recognizing sugar addiction is a necessary component of stopping sugar cravings.

Lose Weight Without Breaking a Sweat!

These are some of the indications you can look for to determine if you have a sugar problem:
* An inability to go without sugar for more than a day
* Pastries, candies and other sweets are very appealing to you even when you're not hungry
* Mood swings affected by your sugar intake, whether too high or too low
* Irregular eating habits

There are wide-ranging ways in which a sugar addiction can impact your life, many of which aren't easily visible. Sugar affects not only your energy level, but your mood as well, influencing your ability to focus, your self-esteem and your relationships with others.

These tips should help you stop not only sugar cravings, but addiction as well:

How to Stop Sugar Cravings Tip # 1 Toss temptation

Sweets lurking in your pantry are just temptations waiting to betray you - get rid of them! It's easier to give in to your cravings Think about it - how willing would you be, when dealing with a sugar craving, to walk or drive to a store to buy a sweet to snack on?

How to Stop Sugar Cravings Tip # 2 Switch from Sugar to Whole Grains

It's often overlooked that sugary sweets and beverages aren't the only sources of sugar. When we eat whole grains, the body processes them into their components, which include naturally-occurring sugar. Experiment with whole-grain foods like bread, cereals and pasta. Before long, you'll like them as much as you currently enjoy their processed counterparts, and they're much more healthy for you!

How to Stop Sugar Cravings Tip # 3 Many foods are available with no added sugar or sugar-free - buy them!

Cutting sugar out of your diet immediately might be too difficult to accomplish. In that case, look for "no sugar added" and "sugar-free" alternatives to your favorite foods. There are other alternatives available, such as artificial sweeteners like Equal, Splenda and Nutri-sweet. While it's true that these products don't offer any nutritional advantage over processed sugar, they'll help satisfy cravings and reduce your dependence on sugar.

How to Stop Sugar Cravings Tip #4 Increase your daily water intake

One of the characteristics of people with sugar problems is that they don't drink enough water. You need to drink at least three glasses of water daily.

How to Stop Sugar Cravings Tip # 5 Get plenty of exercise!

Exercising is an excellent element of any weight-loss program. It's easy to adopt a simple routine to workout your body's various muscle groups. Paradoxically, once you get into an exercise routine, it'll actually be easier to resist temptations like sugar cravings. Exercise will help you reduce the level of stress and tension in your life, and may also help you to overcome the urge to eat whenever you're bored.

How to Stop Sugar Cravings Tip # 6 Don't give up the war if you lose a battle

It's not uncommon to have a hard time giving up anything you like, no matter how much you're aware that it's not good for you. Feeling guilty over having a sweet snack, especially if you've succumbed near the end of an otherwise successful day, is counterproductive. Try to keep in mind to take your sugar-beating program going one day at a time - if you stumble today, you can try again tomorrow!

Gaining control over sugar cravings and addiction is tough. You don't need to eliminate sugar from your diet - that's pretty much impossible anyway - but you have to control your intake and keep track of how your disposition is affected by sugar. After a while, you'll also notice that some things seem to spark a sugar craving. You may find that some events will induce boredom, depression or stress, and then a sugar craving will start. You can look for better ways of dealing with these emotions than eating sweets, and you can also try to reduce how often these emotions occur in your life.

Saturday, 4 August 2012

Can You Stop Sugar Cravings Permanently?

Can we control our sugar cravings permanently? The answer is an absolute YES!

The most important aspect of our health is determined by the foods we choose to eat. We are in the midst of the greatest health care crisis to hit the modern western world – obesity. What is even more concerning is the fact that it is now projected that over 30 percent of the next generation will develop diabetes sometime in their life. Many of us are dying and suffering needlessly because of lack of knowledge. How we choose to live our lives is a major factor in determining not only the length of our lives, but also our quality of life.

The highly processed foods we are consuming today are one of the main reasons we are facing the obesity and diabetes epidemics.

In 1981, Dr. David Jenkins released a study where he compared blood sugar levels following the ingestion of a particular carbohydrate to those following the ingestion of a control food (glucose). From the resulting differences in blood sugar levels emerged the concept of the “glycemic index.” He gave glucose a glycemic index of 100 and all other foods tested were indexed based on how much they raised blood sugar. His finding were shocking because he found that complex carbohydrates like bread, rice, cereals and potatoes actually spiked our blood sugar much faster than table sugar.

Further studies have revealed that 85 to 90 percent of the carbohydrates that adults and children are eating today in the U.S. and Canada are highly processed and high-glycemic which has led us to repeatedly spike our blood sugar and eventually become much less sensitive to our own insulin. Therefore, the insulin resistance that has developed because our poor diet and lack of physical activity is the primary reason we are living in an obesity epidemic. In addition, studies have also shown that 25 percent of the adult population has full-blown insulin resistance and another 25 percent are well on their way of developing it. For the medical community has defined this type of health problems as the “metabolic syndrome.” These individuals develop high blood pressure, increased blood clotting, significant weight gain and are at high risk of developing heart disease and diabetes.

Unfortunately, when this occurs, you not only begin aging much faster than you should, but you also gain an unusual amount of weight around your middle that you just can’t lose. You start holding on to fat like a sponge holds on to water. This is all the result of an underlying resistance to your own insulin. How to stop sugar cravings

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Metformin To Stop Sugar Cravings

Metformin is a revolutionary type 2 diabetes treatment drug used to treat diabetes by bringing the blood sugar levels down. As diabetes is instrumental in treating the insulin resistance in many men and women, apart from treating diabetes, metformin can also be used to cure PCOS or Poly Cystic Ovarian syndrome in many women of the reproductive age. As, it is important to maintain lower blood sugar levels in the body to effectively treat type 2 diabetes, the same holds true for the effective cure for PCOS in insulin resistant women.

It therefore becomes extremely important to control sugar cravings if one wants to get rid of his insulin resistance problem. While controlling sugar cravings depend on one’s will power and determination, a regular metformin diet with recommended dose of this powerful medicine goes a long way in not only curbing the cravings for sugar but also becoming a useful dieting aid and effective anti aging tool to address the issues of high cholesterol, excess weight, high blood sugar levels and cardiovascular disease.

Does Metformin Lower Blood Sugar ?

Insulin is vital to reduce the amount of glucose in the blood. It’s the hormone produced by the pancreas that reduces the glucose levels produced by our liver. Insulin is also instrumental in removing glucose from the blood by muscle and fat tissues which burn glucose for energy. When this level of insulin depletes and the amount produced slows down, diabetes occurs. Metformin Ingredients with its ability to reduce blood sugar levels in the body helps curbing the craving for sugar thus acting as a wonderful stop sugar cravings supplement.

The best part about metformin is that it doesn’t reduce the availability of glucose within the body, and doesn’t affect the levels of insulin. It acts by making the receptors more sensitive to insulin which means available glucose is utilized more effectively. This also makes metformin for pcos treatment particularly helpful and effective. Metformin affects the way insulin controls blood glucose and lowers testosterone production, thereby treating pcos symptoms like abnormal hair growth, irregular periods etc. and makes ovulation to return.